Etere Interfaces with IBMS

06 февраля 2007

ETERE developed a specific interface to IBMS scheduling system.

A new target has been reached by the Italian company that is never satisfied of its success and looks ahead to give its clients the most complete and advanced technology.

The new Etere IBMS interface allows a more flexible connection between the 2 systems. The interface uses XML files to improve data exchange and control.

Etere interface uses all the feature of the Etere F90 import export module, especially on progressive import. Users from IBMS can export finished and unfinished schedules with an unlimited advanced window. Etere will process them creating ingest, delete and media management list according to Etere rules. The progressive import allows multiple imports of the same day that do not discard all the metadata inserted in Etere Automation and MAM system.

The F90 time windows allows operator to assist last day changes. The interface is already running in the Italian TV station La7.

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