Etere at SMPTE 2009

23 июля 2009

After a Growing Expectation at SMPTE 2009 Conference & Exhibition, ETERE has Delighted the Audience with the Presentation of its Automated Tapeless Workflow Solution

ETERE, a leading world provider of broadcasting solutions, has successfully carried out at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre on 22st July 2009 at 11am, an accurate and detailed presentation of its tapeless solution, describing accurately how it can fit any broadcaster workflow, making it capable to work digitally without the use of tapes, from the point the material is recorded to the point it is transmitted.
During the presentation, the speaker, Mr. Fabio Gattari, put more emphasis on aspects related to Tapeless Workflow, a growing technology that currently, broadcasters are planning to use and lots of them are already using, in both cases, broadcasters have not the knowledge to exploit correctly this new technology, because it is hard to carry out such a difficult transition if they do not count with the right solution.

A major part of stations is not leveraging the tapeless technology as far as the benefits of digital workflow are concerned; they are simply using digital workflow to replace analogue workflow, without professional software that really improves their systems.
Etere’s approach, explained Mr. Gattari, does not aim to take your station workflow into a “less-tape” level but into a really “tape-less” system, by offering broadcasters the possibility of introducing a digital-based workflow concept to take full advantage of digital technology while taking into account the following characteristics that any tapeless system should understand:
- The biggest value of a broadcaster is its workflow, because it is the core of the overall broadcasting process, if it doesn’t fit your needs, the global solution will not do it either. - Everything is organized to shoot, produce, elaborate and send on-air every frame. Etere knows it and carry out efficiently and accurately, all steps present in your workflow. - A workflow must be based on a tapeless solution. Etere allows broadcasters to process digitally their whole content in form of data files from recording until broadcasting. - A serious project in order to be comprehensive must include a tapeless reception, with which only certain people can digitally deliver restricted video and metadata. - A tapeless reception must be well-organized to avoid loss of content, because the reduction of loss derives into the increase of revenues.
For all the previously mentioned characteristics, Etere’s tapeless workflow approach is the most reliable and advanced available solution in the market, because while for other companies tapeless technology is the future, for Etere is the present since many years.

Etere’s experts state that it is easy to take a station into a tapeless system, but it is hard to really control all the processes on it, among the various issues found in a new tapeless system we can mention:
- If a tapeless system is not fully controlled, information will not be able to be retrieved at 100%. Etere tracks every single process within the system and notify their results. - The shared directory approach is easy but lacks in control. Etere define instructions and authorizations that must be followed by the processes in order to move forward. - The need of having a custom workflow, because all broadcasters work differently. Etere allows stations to design its own workflow such in a way that all processes from ingestion to automation are correctly suited to the organization’s needs.

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