Certainty of a lasting relationship

Founded in 1987, the Etere team represents a group of passionate professionals with a unique cross section of broadcast & IT experiences.

Etere is headquartered in Singapore, with a support centre in Italy.


Fabio Gattari
Fabio Gattari Director
Margaryta Mitsney
Margaryta Mitsney Business Development
Laura Prisco
Laura Prisco HR Executive

Sales & Marketing

Maria Chang
Maria Chang RIA Sales
Carlo Cominassi
Carlo Cominassi EMEA sales
Alex  Gattari
Alex Gattari Business Development
Viktoria Gaydey
Viktoria Gaydey Translator
Iza Pajanel
Iza Pajanel Pre-Sales Engineer
Natasha Rahyiu
Natasha Rahyiu Sales Team Coordinator
Rachel Yang
Rachel Yang Strategy & Marketing
Левицький Богдан
Левицький Богдан Фахівець зі збуту

Product Management

Caroline Koh
Caroline Koh Accounts Support
Thomas Ong
Thomas Ong Documentation
Olena Pushkarova
Olena Pushkarova Translator
Maurizio  Ruggeri
Maurizio Ruggeri Quartermaster
Suhaizad Samsudin
Suhaizad Samsudin Quality Management
Mykhailo Steshenko
Mykhailo Steshenko Graphics Designer
Кушнір Марія
Кушнір Марія Управління якістю

Research & Development

Emanuele Belfiore
Emanuele Belfiore Software Developer
Michele Damen Damico
Michele Damen Damico Software Developer
Mirco Feliziani
Mirco Feliziani Software Developer
Massimo Giuliani
Massimo Giuliani Software Developer
Enrico Pistacchi
Enrico Pistacchi Software Developer
Roberto Rotili
Roberto Rotili Software Developer
Oleg  Tkach
Oleg Tkach Software Developer
Franco Zega
Franco Zega Software Developer
Андрейко Андрій
Андрейко Андрій Розробник ПЗ
Данилов Михайло
Данилов Михайло Розробник ПЗ
Гавріленко Оксана
Гавріленко Оксана Розробник ПЗ
Акуленко Олександр
Акуленко Олександр Розробник ПЗ

Customer Service

Lorenzo Batocchi
Lorenzo Batocchi Support Team
Federico Bindelli
Federico Bindelli Support Team
Giacomo Bocchini
Giacomo Bocchini Support Team
Alessio Chiappini
Alessio Chiappini Support Team
Michele Ciuffreda
Michele Ciuffreda Support Team
Luca Crucianelli
Luca Crucianelli Support Team
Stefano De Rosa
Stefano De Rosa Support Team
Alessandro  Mancini
Alessandro Mancini Support Team
Giacomo Tantalocco
Giacomo Tantalocco Support Team
Vittorio Trubbiani
Vittorio Trubbiani Support Team