Etere - Diva/Front Porch Comparison

10 июня 2008

The purpose of this competitive analysis is to provide a snapshot of Etere archive system compares to Diva. This document details a brief comparison between Etere and Diva archive systems, paying special attention to all different characteristics between the 2 solutions

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DIVA: a Double bankrupt history
Diva is started before year 2000 in the Storagetek library. The project was developed inside Storagetek, the analyses that the backup software was sold at a price similar to the library drive and they try to address the market with a complete solution. Diva started as a general purpose system to archive objects as the experience they have, and it was pushed first in some sectors as Broadcast and Medical, where another solution were too weak. At that time Storagetek had also another archive solution ASM, produced by OTG and resolved by Storagetek with his brand name. After 3 years someone inside STK sees that the Diva division was loosing money and they decide to ‘spinoff’ it instead to close, that was simply to save all the people of Diva project to be fired. So Diva come a new life after the 1st bankrupt. Diva life was not so good and they continue to add debits to their financial position, most of the installations, especially in broadcast were never used, because performance and integration was completely outdated for the broadcast market. To save themselves from bankrupt they sold all the Diva archive for medical purposes to AGFA, The company was no so much bad to be purchased for free from Front Porch, so they survive to the second bankrupt.
ETERE: a Success story
Etere start in 1984 and from that time the company was always profitable. Etere has never been sold or take over from anyone. The core group of people is still the same after more than 20 years. Etere product is stable and always guarantees to the users a low cost upgrade path.
Diva is started as a ‘general purpose’ file migrator, nothing in the initial project was related to video or broadcast. One of the biggest successes of Diva was medical where it’s used to archive digital image from Xray. The Diva architecture is base on the old concept of Storagetk. A Sun Solaris workstation with an Oracle database to keep track of the tapes and a lot of ‘Actors’ or data pumps connected to the tape drives. This expensive architecture is completely inadequate for the role of Diva. A Sun Solaris plus an Oracle database to store the tape info, something that can find inside an excel spreadsheet; it’s a waste of resource and a waste of money especially in a fault tolerant configuration. More it introduces new operating systems and databases inside the TV, so more cost of maintenance and part replacements.
Etere started as a video files HSM system, no compromise. All its behaviour is build for better video performances. Redundancy and priorities are embedded in the design; they are not simply patches to the product. Standard off the shelf hardware and the use of the same Etere database allow an unsurpassed level of integration and performance with the lowest maintenance cost. Some technologies as disaster recovery, multi library logical aggregation are native in Etere.
Diva tries to qualify itself as an enterprise product, while it’s only a file migrator, sold as a brand name. ETERE
Etere has embedded in the design the fault tolerance, library aggregation, disaster recovery, off the shelf tape management and event Database backup that are not present or not mature in Diva.
Diva is started as a Storagetek product, with the Tape in the centre of the business world. Diva installations are based on Libraries with multiple tape drives (expensive) to deliver the performances; normally no disk cache is used. Diva has no concept of levels of disk caching, or TV scheduling, or TV rights and objects, it cannot optimize the transfer according to the future request or scheduling. It’s only use a big horsepower trying to fulfill all the requests. ETERE
Etere starts with the disk technology before. Etere has a multi level changing system embedded. Etere HSM knows about scheduling, users, quality check, journalist and optimize the resources. Etere has not more horsepower, it simply performs better, and it’s a broadcast system with a broadcast intelligence on it.
This is the real bottleneck; all those database and horsepower mainly communicate using VACP protocol, a 3 command protocol used to move simple files. Quite all the Diva installation worldwide are limited by interface problems, and forces the users to use multiple consoles trying to dials problems, note that more than 50% of the Diva installation worldwide are not used, or used in minimal part for communication, integration and workflow problems. Diva also has no Ingest or playout interface so you have to rely on external product for it. ETERE
This is the big advantage of a common framework, where the HSM and the MAM and the videotape library share the same resources. Etere also has embedded al the ingest an playout capabilities of Etere Automation Etere a single cockpit to control the TV media.
Periodic Touch: Etere has the capability to setup a periodic interval, normally is 180 days after what every archived file is ‘touched=restored’ to check data and tape integrity
Statistics: Etere has a complete set of statistics to display tape, data, and band with usage, the statistics allows also comparing different periods, to identify the improvement areas of the system against different system use
Data Migration: Etere has inside a free of charge tool for data migration so when the system changes from LTO4 to LTO5 the data migration capability is included in the system. Also Etere licensing is not related to capacity
Dynamic Media Pools: Etere can set the user to define in which block of tapes (Media Pool) store the video. This assignment is dynamic and can be changed any time; Etere will rearrange the content according the new rules
Metadata Storage: Etere stores all the metadata with hires and lowers video in a single object
Integrated Database Backup: Etere HSM do also MAM database backup
Integrated Memory Backup: Etere HSM do also the Memory data backup, memory data is the logged video
Intelligent Prefect: Etere HSM can start to move data on the cache as soon the video is selected from the journalist, before it inset in the rundown
Single System Multiple Libraries Support: Etere can manage multiple libraries as single logical entity; this feature will simplify libraries upgrade
Etere Office in Italy
Company History
DIVA: a Double bankrupt history Diva is started before year 2000 in the Storagetek library. The project was developed inside Storagetek, the analyses that the backup software was sold at a price similar to the library drive and they try to address the market with a complete solution. Diva started as a general purpose system to archive objects as the experience they have, and it was pushed first in some sectors as Broadcast and Medical, where another solution were too weak. At that time Storagetek had also another archive solution ASM, produced by OTG and resolved by Storagetek with his brand name. After 3 years someone inside STK sees that the Diva division was loosing money and they decide to ‘spinoff’ it instead to close, that was simply to save all the people of Diva project to be fired. So Diva come a new life after the 1st bankrupt. Diva life was not so good and they continue to add debits to their financial position, most of the installations, especially in broadcast were never used, because performance and integration was completely outdated for the broadcast market. To save themselves from bankrupt they sold all the Diva archive for medical purposes to AGFA, The company was no so much bad to be purchased for free from Front Porch, so they survive to the second bankrupt. ETERE: a Success story Etere start in 1984 and from that time the company was always profitable. Etere has never been sold or take over from anyone. The core group of people is still the same after more than 20 years. Etere product is stable and always guarantees to the users a low cost upgrade path.
GUI HSM Archive
Diva Product Technology
Diva is started as a ‘general purpose’ file migrator, nothing in the initial project was related to video or broadcast. One of the biggest successes of Diva was medical where it’s used to archive digital image from Xray. The Diva architecture is base on the old concept of Storagetk. A Sun Solaris workstation with an Oracle database to keep track of the tapes and a lot of ‘Actors’ or data pumps connected to the tape drives. This expensive architecture is completely inadequate for the role of Diva. A Sun Solaris plus an Oracle database to store the tape info, something that can find inside an excel spreadsheet; it’s a waste of resource and a waste of money especially in a fault tolerant configuration. More it introduces new operating systems and databases inside the TV, so more cost of maintenance and part replacements.
Etere Product Technology
Etere started as a video files HSM system, no compromise. All its behaviour is build for better video performances. Redundancy and priorities are embedded in the design; they are not simply patches to the product. Standard off the shelf hardware and the use of the same Etere database allow an unsurpassed level of integration and performance with the lowest maintenance cost. Some technologies as disaster recovery, multi library logical aggregation are native in Etere.
Etere Tapeless Reception Media Player
Enterprise or Standard
DIVA Diva tries to qualify itself as an enterprise product, while it’s only a file migrator, sold as a brand name. ETERE Etere has embedded in the design the fault tolerance, library aggregation, disaster recovery, off the shelf tape management and event Database backup that are not present or not mature in Diva.
HSM Interface
Disk or Tape
DIVA Diva is started as a Storagetek product, with the Tape in the centre of the business world. Diva installations are based on Libraries with multiple tape drives (expensive) to deliver the performances; normally no disk cache is used. Diva has no concept of levels of disk caching, or TV scheduling, or TV rights and objects, it cannot optimize the transfer according to the future request or scheduling. It’s only use a big horsepower trying to fulfill all the requests. ETERE Etere starts with the disk technology before. Etere has a multi level changing system embedded. Etere HSM knows about scheduling, users, quality check, journalist and optimize the resources. Etere has not more horsepower, it simply performs better, and it’s a broadcast system with a broadcast intelligence on it.
DIVA This is the real bottleneck; all those database and horsepower mainly communicate using VACP protocol, a 3 command protocol used to move simple files. Quite all the Diva installation worldwide are limited by interface problems, and forces the users to use multiple consoles trying to dials problems, note that more than 50% of the Diva installation worldwide are not used, or used in minimal part for communication, integration and workflow problems. Diva also has no Ingest or playout interface so you have to rely on external product for it. ETERE This is the big advantage of a common framework, where the HSM and the MAM and the videotape library share the same resources. Etere also has embedded al the ingest an playout capabilities of Etere Automation Etere a single cockpit to control the TV media.
HSM Diagram
Features unique in Etere
Periodic Touch: Etere has the capability to setup a periodic interval, normally is 180 days after what every archived file is ‘touched=restored’ to check data and tape integrity Statistics: Etere has a complete set of statistics to display tape, data, and band with usage, the statistics allows also comparing different periods, to identify the improvement areas of the system against different system use Data Migration: Etere has inside a free of charge tool for data migration so when the system changes from LTO4 to LTO5 the data migration capability is included in the system. Also Etere licensing is not related to capacity Dynamic Media Pools: Etere can set the user to define in which block of tapes (Media Pool) store the video. This assignment is dynamic and can be changed any time; Etere will rearrange the content according the new rules Metadata Storage: Etere stores all the metadata with hires and lowers video in a single object Integrated Database Backup: Etere HSM do also MAM database backup Integrated Memory Backup: Etere HSM do also the Memory data backup, memory data is the logged video Intelligent Prefect: Etere HSM can start to move data on the cache as soon the video is selected from the journalist, before it inset in the rundown Single System Multiple Libraries Support: Etere can manage multiple libraries as single logical entity; this feature will simplify libraries upgrade