Great Success for Etere at FOR-A Open House in Japan
12 октября 2001Etere and FOR-A distributor partner announce the big success for Japanese Open-House
Etere has renewed the success of its products among Japanese market, glad to has been supported by a system integrator leader as FOR-A. Etere concludes a meaningful presence at the show with the attendance of the Asia Pacific Sales, Fabio Gattari. Etere was showing at the event promoting its prestigious line of broadcast solutions with a focus on Etere Automation, the new low-res Browsing, the Document Management and the possibility to compile the schedule in all ‘Double Byte’ languages (important feature for Asian Market. The event has attracted a large number of broadcasters with attendees coming from all Japan, being worthy mentioning that lot of them were attracted by the solutions offered by the Italian company. Etere is a consistent system!