Etere Continues Success in Latin America with CNT Curitiba
12 октября 2012Developing success for Etere in Brazil: 3 channels of CNT Curitiba upgrade to Etere
Central Nacional de Televisão,known as CNT or Rede CNT, is a Brazilian television network based in Curitiba/Paraná, part of the Grupo Empresarial Organizações Martinez. With broadcasters, affiliates and repeaters, CNT based network is a program of national scope working from five strategic poles: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Brasilia and Curitiba, reaching more than 50 million viewers. Etere has been chosen to deploy a simple, efficient and redundant solution for the management and playout, of 3 Main CNT sites: CNT Curitiba, CNT RIO and CNT Saõ Paulo.
The challenge for Etere is to provide the 3 CNT sites with the maximum security and protection for the on-air transmission. The systems are Etere Scheduling, Etere TV Automation main, Etere Clone and Etere F90 which control all the playout, the channels programming alongside with the corresponding secondary events through a fully redundant architecture. CNT has been provided with:
• Etere Scheduling for managing long-term scheduling. It performs a strategic planning of the schedules of the 3 sites with high programming flexibility and improved leveraging efficiency. • The on-air is managed from Etere Automation Main & Clone: two synchronized systems with 2 independent copies of the same playlist, ready to switch in case of fault; Etere guarantees continuity of the playout and high system reliability. • Etere F90 for the automatic import of broadcast playlists, allows the continuous upload of new playlists and the operator has only to confirm imported changes. The problem of last-minute changes no longer exists since the schedule is always updated and the risk of error is reduced. Network television CNT has completed the installation of the Etere Automation system in Curitiba and Rio de Janeiro, Robson Tavares the Technical Director said "Now we can trust what is being aired, because with Etere we have full control over the Omneon video servers and Miranda's master control". The next step will be the implementation in São Paulo since all equipments are on-site. He also added "The partnership with Brasvideo was very important to implement the automation system due to the high level of knowledge they have in broadcast facilities."
The system will successfully controls the following equipments across the entire 3 facility:
• 9 Harmonic Omneon MediaDeck servers
• 3 VTR
• 4 Master control
• 4 Logo generator
• 18 workstation
Etere is a consistent system!