Etere at KOBA Show 2012 in Seoul

23 мая 2012

Etere will attend the 2012 edition of KOBA. Etere’s main focus will be on showcasing its consistent and fully comprehensive end-to-end software solutions for helping you to move towards the future thanks the latest developments on Etere MERP: “One framework for all your business”

ETERE will take part at the KOBA Show, the most important broadcast exhibition in South Korea. Etere will be demonstrating its latest applications for broadcasters, production and post-production companies, content providers and more.
During the four-days show, Etere will be exhibiting the most comprehensive products in the broadcasting industry providing also one-to-one demonstrations on its latest news. Etere’s participation at KOBA will be focused on Etere MERP (ERP technologies with rich media extension), a complete solution for Media Asset Management, IT Based Playout, MTX , Work Order Management, Speech to Text, Automation, Air Sales, Time Delay, Ad Insertion, BMS, News Automation, Media Integration, Archiving, HSM, Media Indexing, Scheduling, Programs Management, Web Integration, Video Logging and Tapeless Reception.

Etere is able to manage with a common framework all functional departments involved in broadcast operations and production. As said before, Etere MERP uses a single framework, a key feature that makes of it the natural evolution of the broadcast world since it is both, cross-functional and enterprise wide. Etere MERP (Media Enterprise Resources Planning) is the edge of broadcast technology; it combines in real-time all the -media and metadata- necessary with no integration problems and supreme performances. MERP is the edge technology in broadcast that is going to replace all the traditional architectures, with it, your workflow will become “smooth and intelligent” since it’s the most effective solution to perform each one of your business processes under 100% software single framework. Fabio Gattari, Etere Asia Pacific Sales Manager explaines the Etere’s approach with these words: “The biggest value of a broadcaster resides in its workflow, because it is the core of the overall broadcasting process, if it doesn’t fit your needs, the global solution will not do it either. - Everything is organized to shoot, produce, elaborate and send on-air every frame. Etere knows this fact and that’s why we perform all the steps present in your workflow efficiently and accurately”.
Upgrade to ETERE one single solution for your business. Best overall performance, lower cost of ownership, guaranteed result, best support. I single complete product give you the guarantee of the best accumulated performances and the most simple integration. We invite you to visit Etere booth C654, where you can meet our Sales Team who will be glad to offer you a special custom demo on hot products and solution topics.

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SalesFabio Gattari