Etere Delivers Remote Wan Automation Counters

10 октября 2006

Etere delivers a remote counters application for the automation

The automation and the master control room of a TV controls all the timing of a tv station. Every switching is controlled by the master control room that gives to the television the right time slot for every activity. The studio during live need to know the timing of the system, when the current time slot is near to end and when the commercial break will end.
The availability of this info is important to plan the activity inside the studio. Today all the timing is broadcasted using a 4 wire system by the voice of the master control operator. Etere delivers a new simple windows application that allows to remote the automation counters using a simple IP connection.
The studios are normally connected in a intranet or wan system, so extreme care in the design of the application give a complete security capability. The counters can be transmitted through a firewall and NAT system easily. The client application needs a simple windows pc to run. Etere counter application will be included in the Automation package at the same price, a free update will be available to all the customers that have a support contract.

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