Etere Multi-Screen Delivery is a Leap Towards Full Digital

12 октября 2011

A cost-effective approach based on unified media and metadata.

In today broadcast scenario, the same content needs to be delivered on multiple formats across multiple current and new media (e.g. tablet, mobile phones, internet and more coming devices). Each delivery system requires its own video/audio format and its own metadata schema to be used correctly. The metadata schema is sometimes more important than the video essence because metadata are used for ancillary display and to setup the correct rights and views system. Etere Multi-Screen Delivery offers the possibility to convert automatically the asset in the right format and permit more viewers (by desktop/laptop/tablet PCs, smart phones/TVs, etc.) to watch the same programs with different screens. Etere not only simplify delivery workflows but also brings incremental revenues and reduced costs. Where as in a traditional approach there are a multiple infrastructures each one do some jobs to tune the asset in the correct format, this is expensive and delivers low efficiency, the Etere approach allows broadcasters to feel free to let Etere to prepare the correct file for the right platform thought an automatically video and metadata conversion maintaining the best video quality.
Etere Multi-Screen Delivery use the ETERE workflow system to plan the correct operations in the correct order, the flexibility of ETERE workflow allows you to do exactly what you wish. Additionally, any changes performed to either media or metadata will be updated by ETERE workflow to guarantee the quality of the delivered content. Media files will be automatically transcoded for such a large variety of destinations adds another layer of complexity. Moreover, Etere offers support for the most relevant live transport protocols, such as RTSP/RTP, MPEG-TS, RTMP on the input, and the same in addition to various flavors of HTTP streaming on the delivery.
A special opportunity consists of the integration of Microsoft streaming services through a special workflow connector which allows broadcasting and streaming on internet as single playout system and thus allowing to have your internet TV for free. Etere, a consistent system !

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