TVB Europe RIA Novosti

26 мая 2011

RIA Novosti has selected Etere Automation for broadcast programming requirements including logos, crawls, router switching and master control transmission.

ETERE automation system for leading Russian News Agency. RIA Novosti – whose news network covers more than 45 countries worldwide and supplies content in many languages – has selected Etere Automation for broadcast programming requirements including logos, crawls, router switching and master control transmission.

The Etere system – which is being used in conjunction with two Omneon MediaDeck video servers – allows RIA Novosti to conduct single and real-time encoding for both high- and low-resolution files, with frame synchronisation.

The trascoding and low-res generation is based on Etere Hi-Res Transcoder (screenshot pictured), which includes comprehensive file-based management capabilities.

Fabio Gattari, president of Etere, comments: “The Russian market is, for us, one of the most important markets and that’s why we have made great efforts to consolidate our presence with very good results. RIA Novosti is an important customer due to its coverage across the country and the quality of its information services; this installation is surely a key step towards a stronger Etere market presence.”

Focusing on this specific installation, Gattari adds: “The implemented system offers highly versatile workflows, which have been well-suited to RIA Novosti needs. They can now easily playout live events and programmes, including secondary events, [since] the ingest process [is] improved with a very flexible handling of both scheduled and real-time feeds. Thanks to the furnished Hi-Res Transcoder, the system has become totally tapeless, thus ensuring a file-based future.”