Etere Airsales Comparison

26 июля 2011

Please view the attached document for more details on the comparison between the different Etere Airsales editions.

Etere Airsales is the software solution that allows broadcast stations to automate the functions of their traffic department, it’s a traffic system able to generate on-air schedules of events to be aired and controls the sales/contract management and billing of air time, stores program formats, and provides management for the placement of commercials and promotional materials within the scheduled on-air programs.

Etere Airsales also offers a dedicated module for planning the commercial activity and long-term scheduling. This versatile and efficient commercial scheduling tool ensures that commercial orders are generated and managed professionally and efficiently maximizing productivity and air time planning. Etere Airsales is made up of various strategic modules, just as illustrated in the figure below:

Etere Airsales Lite is a solution specially thought for commercial scheduling, but its versatile characteristics make of it a suitable solution also for scheduling any type of program which runs several times in a long period. Etere Airsales Lite is nothing but a reduced version of Etere Airsales, a condensed set of modules capable enough of handling the most important operations of a traffic department. You can see the 'comparison table' in the attached PDF file. It provides an overall summary of the major differences between the two editions of Etere Airsales.