
02 мая 2011

Etere realesed a new version of EtereWeb (21.1.2) with fully compatibility and support for Microsoft Silverlight

Etere includes a powerful tool since to be successful in today's competitive marketplace, organizations must extend information beyond the walls of their association and seamlessly interact with customers, partners, and suppliers in real time. All technology world know that Microsoft Silverlight is a powerful development platform for creating engaging, interactive user experiences for Web, desktop, and mobile applications when online or offline.
Microsoft Silverlight is an application framework for writing and running browser plug-ins or other rich internet applications, with features and purposes similar to those of Adobe Flash. While early versions of Silverlight focused on streaming media, current versions support multimedia, graphics and animation, and give developers support for CLI languages and development tools.
Silverlight is a free plug-in, powered by the .NET framework and compatible with multiple browsers, devices and operating systems, bringing a new level of interactivity wherever the Web works.
Etere demonstrates, once again, that it goes hand in hand with technology.

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