Etere a consistent system will be at NAB 2011

10 марта 2011

Another piece of the puzzle of ‘Etere consistent system’ will be show at NAB 2011, held in Las Vegas Convention Center, from April 11 - 14 (North hall booth N6323): ETERE MERP

After more than 85 years, the NAB Show continues to be the essential destination for broadcasting professionals who share a passion for bringing content to life on any platform.

Another piece of the puzzle of ‘Etere consistent system’ will be show at NAB 2011, held in Las Vegas Convention Center, from April 11 - 14 (North hall booth N6323).

Etere’s main focus at the event will be showcasing Etere MERP (ERP technologies with rich media extension), a complete solution for Media Asset Management, workflow-based operations and resources planning on a distributed architecture.

Key benefits of Etere MERP are:
■ It does not share directories, it shares content
■ Enhanced resources planning and activities tacking
■ Allows keeping all resources connected
■ Extends the hardware capabilities
■ Provides safe and controlled access
■ Fully hardware independent
■ Improves tapeless and paperless operations
■ A lower cost of ownership

“MERP approach is the challenge for the next era of broadcasting” said Etere’s President, Fabio Gattari, “the need of managing and organizing content in a complex multi-format and multi-delivery platform requires an efficient structure provided with an easy interface able to perform the more complex tasks, this is MERP’. ETERE will also show its fully integrated, IT-based and automated playout system as a straightforward extension of a MERP approach.
Etere is a reliable and scalable solution providing customers with complete media management, rights management, short and long term programming and control from ingest to playout, combining all these into a single workflow framework enhanced with on-demand services.
The Etere’s suite allows broadcasters, media companies and content providers to build a flexible and scalable system to carry out their entire media production, from ingest to playout to content delivery, under a fully tapeless and paperless workflow-based digital environment. Visit Etere booth N6323 for information about products and solutions designed for broadcasting professionals. We will also offer a custom special demo on hot product and solution topics.
Register to attend the NAB Show exhibits for free, using Etere VIP pass code LV0723:

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Etere MAM is the highly effective digital content management solution, it has been specifically designed to streamline the process of ingest, indexing, storage, archive and retrieval of digital assets. It is a centralized solution for handling digital content and its associated metadata; its effective implementation both increases operational efficiency and maximizes the return on investment of digital media. The core of Etere’s Media Asset Management are the so-called Asset. Forms, which centralize the management of assets by grouping into a single resource all mainasset related data such as video references, metadata and rights information, technical data, secondary events, linked workflows, and detailed operations logs, allowing in this way to the various Etere modules to have a share-point on which asset’s data can be managed, permitting the entire system to reach a high level of integration, reliability and functionality.
Etere Air Sales is a software to manage sales and planning of broadcast commercials. This versatile tool has been recently enhanced with powerful functions designed to manage the whole advertising sales lifecycle from proposal and booking through billing, most efficiently than ever. Etere Air Sales:
- allows you to maximize advertising space's productivity
- helps sales agents to elaborate proposals and advertising campaigns
- gives support to managers on agents/clients orders approval and provides a wide range of standard/custom-made high-level reports, analisys and statistics on sales trend, in order to make the right decisions
- make operators scheduling, clients reports, invoicing and sales agents commissions management, easier
And more, using Etere integrated Framework sales, and broacast share the same data with no delay
Etere Workflow goes beyond the file-based approach by providing broadcasters with a truly tapeless and paperless solution. Etere was a pioneer in the file-based workflow and now offer a comprehensive solution to manage a complete and safe workflow of files that includes digital signature of all the important steps. Etere Workflow uses Etere Tapeless Reception to easily and safely exchange file-based content with several departments internal or external to the company (content providers, post-production....) with enhanced security. File based workflows include all the important functions and features on a file based system, such as Audio loudness control and video format standard change. Etere solution is based on the concept that “the biggest value of a broadcaster is its workflow”.
Etere Automation combines the versatility of using the same database of the Etere Media Asset Management to integrate all the activities in a single environment, and the reliability of using an independent database for the final playout, adding in this way a decisive strong point of reliability to the overall system.
An easy to use subtitles manager is provided, allowing broadcasters to either create or import subtitles with frame-accuracy, enhanced preview capabilities, and allowing its further integration with the overall system workflow, including the management of secondaryevents.
Etere is a GREEN company. Please help us to reduce the environmental impact reading all the information you need from our new corporate site
Etere Media Asset Management
Etere MAM is the highly effective digital content management solution, it has been specifically designed to streamline the process of ingest, indexing, storage, archive and retrieval of digital assets. It is a centralized solution for handling digital content and its associated metadata; its effective implementation both increases operational efficiency and maximizes the return on investment of digital media. The core of Etere’s Media Asset Management are the so-called Asset. Forms, which centralize the management of assets by grouping into a single resource all mainasset related data such as video references, metadata and rights information, technical data, secondary events, linked workflows, and detailed operations logs, allowing in this way to the various Etere modules to have a share-point on which asset’s data can be managed, permitting the entire system to reach a high level of integration, reliability and functionality.
Etere Air Sales
Etere Air Sales is a software to manage sales and planning of broadcast commercials. This versatile tool has been recently enhanced with powerful functions designed to manage the whole advertising sales lifecycle from proposal and booking through billing, most efficiently than ever. Etere Air Sales: - allows you to maximize advertising space's productivity - helps sales agents to elaborate proposals and advertising campaigns - gives support to managers on agents/clients orders approval and provides a wide range of standard/custom-made high-level reports, analisys and statistics on sales trend, in order to make the right decisions - make operators scheduling, clients reports, invoicing and sales agents commissions management, easier And more, using Etere integrated Framework sales, and broacast share the same data with no delay
Etere Workflow and Tapeless Reception
Etere Workflow goes beyond the file-based approach by providing broadcasters with a truly tapeless and paperless solution. Etere was a pioneer in the file-based workflow and now offer a comprehensive solution to manage a complete and safe workflow of files that includes digital signature of all the important steps. Etere Workflow uses Etere Tapeless Reception to easily and safely exchange file-based content with several departments internal or external to the company (content providers, post-production....) with enhanced security. File based workflows include all the important functions and features on a file based system, such as Audio loudness control and video format standard change. Etere solution is based on the concept that “the biggest value of a broadcaster is its workflow”.
Etere Automation
Etere Automation combines the versatility of using the same database of the Etere Media Asset Management to integrate all the activities in a single environment, and the reliability of using an independent database for the final playout, adding in this way a decisive strong point of reliability to the overall system. An easy to use subtitles manager is provided, allowing broadcasters to either create or import subtitles with frame-accuracy, enhanced preview capabilities, and allowing its further integration with the overall system workflow, including the management of secondaryevents.
We act now to save the planet !
Etere is a GREEN company. Please help us to reduce the environmental impact reading all the information you need from our new corporate site