Gambero Rosso relies on Etere to go on-air

02 марта 2011

Gambero Rosso uses Etere's wide workflow-based software solutions potentiality to broadcast its thematic channel

Gambero Rosso is the satellite channel dedicated to the great Italian and international cuisine, from fine dining to fine wines. Gambero Rosso creates and manages daily scheduling using Etere Executive Editor that permits a frame accurate planning of all those assets intended to be aired including the related secondary events. Playlist is available in real-time to GCI's broadcasting center that operates the ingest and playout services.
Etere Ingest module is used for manual/automatic HiRes video content capture into the video servers, quality check and setting asset's mark points (SOM, EOM, commercials break interruption point, bulk video, etc.) through content preview. Etere TV Automation module broadcasts TV channel programming including secondary events as logos, crawls and audio/video router switching, through a fully redundant system. Etere TV Automation controls the playout of the same playlist from two video servers (in sync) via two different PCs to grant the transmission continuity both in case of failure or maintenance of the playout chain (video servers, secondary devices, IT infrastructure, software upgrades/updates, etc.). Etere TV Automation switches automatically to clone in case of failure of the main chain. Thanks to Etere, customer has been able to create its own workflows using an integrated and cost efficient distributed architecture. Etere system exploits the potential from the equipment used by this channel, which is composed by the following devices:
2 GrassValley K2 servers
1 VTR ingest
1 Audio/Video router switcher Pro-Bel Sirius
1 Logo Miranda LGK 3901

Etere, a consistent system

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