Etere Auto Ingest

27 июля 2007

ETERE MAM delivers Auto Ingest function on XDcam cart.

Digital archive management has improved rapidly and as a consequence XDcam is becoming a standard on ENG.
Etere works closely with its partner Sony and develops this function to increase ENG productivity in terms of quality and speed, and to produce an efficient, easy to use system. With Etere Mam and XDcam digital structure, files can be stored, accurately catalogued and fully accessed.
ENG records the file on XDcam disk, but then one needs to deliver the correct disk to the correct editing suite for production. Etere Auto ingest makes this operation fast and easy.
ENG simply puts the disk on XDcam cart in any available slot. Etere recognizes the new disk and creates an entry on Etere Mam for every video it contains.
Etere cart controller

XDcam can be used both as a playout device and an archive device, and can manage both the online and the offline tapes.
The Etere Mam metadata is automatically updated with the medatada present on XDcam disk, as Etere is able to read XDcam metadata very quickly and offers content users an immediate access to the video assets they need.
The Hires video is downloaded to a disk storage while Etere Transcoding creates the lowres. The Editors can browse the data using Etere Web from their editing suite and just download the files they need. The final result can also be uploaded from the disk archive to a new XDcam disk.

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