MERP Media Enterprise Resource Planning

22 сентября 2010

From file copy to media asset management. How to move into the future.

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Now file based video is everywhere but most of the approach is still old. Projects and workflows talk about files. File sharing is a keyword. Drop folders, push folders seems to be the top of technology and the base of a system. But this is not the future .. This is an archaic enginering view. Here is an example. If you have a database of people, you do not ask in which file the information of John Smith is stored, you have instead a GUI to search, view and import/export data. Morover you can also Print them, but still you do not know where is the file, or the printer and which conversion the data need to be printed. This is an IT approach, your Management system take care about all the functions you need and store data in the ‘most convenient location’.
This is the future of video, basically a Management system that take care of your data. It uses the resorces you connect to store ‘somewhere’ the data. Whenever you need, it displays, import/export and deliver using the correct file format. As an example, if you connect a FCP editor, the Video is delevered in one of the acceptable formats for Editing, regardless what is the stored format. No direct access to any file, but interfaces to manage the data.
It seems like a simple issue ....but
It's not as simple as it seems, indeed for most engineers all that means loosing control. No drop folders make everyone confused. But a managed system is the only safe place to store the video.
A managed system is the only safe place to store the video. The only way to access is though the interface, no direct access. No data corruption, no unhautorized access. Full tracking of what is happening. It’s the only system to manage the valuable content..
Request the material
The asset form holds all asset’s relevant info, it’s the placeholder for incoming material,
The operator request to the agency the material for the asset form with a few clicks. Easy monitoring of arriving assets. Once requested, assets can be easily tracked according to the following parameters:
- Agency
- Date of arrival
Secure Access Login. The Tapeless Reception prevents compromising sensitive data by using SSL encryption (https) for communications. Remote agencies can log-in using their assigned credentials and they can either upload requested assets or new assets.
Send the material
The agency just have to select the material request, compile all required metadata and upload the digital file. Once uploaded, a workflow (either generic or agency-specific) will be launched within the system.
Access control
Every user can have a different access level. The can see only a part of your assets, or access only some types of video. Your archive can be easly shared to anyone without spreading out sensitive data. A faster system, because alla data is easly accessed. A safe system that do not disclose data you do not need to share.
Absolutely safe
If you wish to delete or change a video object you must login and have the correct permissions. Your change is tracked
If a virus attack you computer cannot use the management system so cannot destroy video. Your content is safe and always available. The Tapeless Reception prevents compromising sensitive data by using SSL encryption (https) for communications, Remote agencies can log-in using their assigned credentials,
The agency can either upload requested assets or new assets.
But still someone ask
Where is the file ?
Where i can drop a file ?
Where is my shared directory?

But this questions can be answered soon. Typewriters will disappear against computers and printers. The old file based approach will disappear, you must prepare yourself to this new efficient and safe model.
Engineering Look
Now file based video is everywhere but most of the approach is still old. Projects and workflows talk about files. File sharing is a keyword. Drop folders, push folders seems to be the top of technology and the base of a system. But this is not the future .. This is an archaic enginering view. Here is an example. If you have a database of people, you do not ask in which file the information of John Smith is stored, you have instead a GUI to search, view and import/export data. Morover you can also Print them, but still you do not know where is the file, or the printer and which conversion the data need to be printed. This is an IT approach, your Management system take care about all the functions you need and store data in the ‘most convenient location’.
Media Asset management
This is the future of video, basically a Management system that take care of your data. It uses the resorces you connect to store ‘somewhere’ the data. Whenever you need, it displays, import/export and deliver using the correct file format. As an example, if you connect a FCP editor, the Video is delevered in one of the acceptable formats for Editing, regardless what is the stored format. No direct access to any file, but interfaces to manage the data. It seems like a simple issue ....but It's not as simple as it seems, indeed for most engineers all that means loosing control. No drop folders make everyone confused. But a managed system is the only safe place to store the video.
Advantage of this approach
A managed system is the only safe place to store the video. The only way to access is though the interface, no direct access. No data corruption, no unhautorized access. Full tracking of what is happening. It’s the only system to manage the valuable content.. Request the material The asset form holds all asset’s relevant info, it’s the placeholder for incoming material, The operator request to the agency the material for the asset form with a few clicks. Easy monitoring of arriving assets. Once requested, assets can be easily tracked according to the following parameters: - Agency - Date of arrival
Absolutely Safe
Secure Access Login. The Tapeless Reception prevents compromising sensitive data by using SSL encryption (https) for communications. Remote agencies can log-in using their assigned credentials and they can either upload requested assets or new assets. Send the material The agency just have to select the material request, compile all required metadata and upload the digital file. Once uploaded, a workflow (either generic or agency-specific) will be launched within the system. Access control Every user can have a different access level. The can see only a part of your assets, or access only some types of video. Your archive can be easly shared to anyone without spreading out sensitive data. A faster system, because alla data is easly accessed. A safe system that do not disclose data you do not need to share. Absolutely safe If you wish to delete or change a video object you must login and have the correct permissions. Your change is tracked If a virus attack you computer cannot use the management system so cannot destroy video. Your content is safe and always available. The Tapeless Reception prevents compromising sensitive data by using SSL encryption (https) for communications, Remote agencies can log-in using their assigned credentials, The agency can either upload requested assets or new assets.
This is the future
But still someone ask Where is the file ? Where i can drop a file ? Where is my shared directory? But this questions can be answered soon. Typewriters will disappear against computers and printers. The old file based approach will disappear, you must prepare yourself to this new efficient and safe model.