Radio TV Link: ETERE Upgrades MOMO TV

17 февраля 2016

One of the biggest TV and WEB shopping channel in Taiwan, Momo TV, will add 3 new playlists with the Etere MERP approach.

ETERE MERP stands for Media Enterprise Resources Planning, and it will be the core solution to revolutionize the MOMO management structure: in synthesis, it is definitely a system ready to grow with the company. Thanks to the use of ‘smooth and intelligent’ workflows, ETERE MERP will provide to the Taipei television a big advantage: the integration of all myriad processes with consequent control and saving of time and expenses

MOMO is adding 3 new playlists a disk based storage,a new Harmonic mediadeck videoservers and an integrated HSM archive based on the last LTO6 technology. A load balanced cluster of an Hires trascoding servers, will provide all the file based operation, including audio leveling and trasconding.
With ETERE MERP you will give to your company the opportunity to have only one system to manage the production facilities (newsroom, production, postproduction, playout, etc.) and administration tools (scheduling, planning, CRM and Business Intelligence). ETERE systems are used around the world and its solutions are delivered through a dedicated professional and integration services department to ensure the highest possible standards.

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