Big Brother 2008
19 июня 2008For the seventh time since 2001 Big Brother renew its preference for ETERE.
For the seventh time since 2001 the reality TV show Big Brother Italy confirmed its preference for ETERE. The latest Big Brother was produced using our cutting-edge software.
ETERE product for Big Brother allows a fast and economic run of the predominantly live reality TV show. This time around the Big Brother product has been expanded to include the remote control of cameras, lighting and audio.
What does Big Brother consist of? It basically consists of the cohabitation of a certain number of people inside the “Big Brother House” with the added difficulty of complete isolation from the outside world.
Given that the major attraction of this hugely popular TV series is the continuous watchful gaze of television cameras, it is obvious how important the ETERE software is for its success.
Thanks to ETERE, the Big Brother staff can easily and efficiently manage all 103 television cameras and further technical equipment including:
■ 51 Remote Cameras among which:
■ 17 Cameras are controlled by VISCA Fixed Protocol and 12 Cameras are supervised by a camera operator;
■ 14 cameras are infrared
■ 135 Environmental Microphones;
■ 24 Collar Radiomicrophones for the participants set inside Big Brother House and 24 Radiomicrophones set in the television studio
■ 80 Sound Diffusers for the sound amplification
■ 80 Mixers
VISCA Fixed Protocol is used to set the quality image in replacing of the Camera Remote Control. In this way all tasks are shared between the VISCA software application and the Camera Remote Control with the advantage of an enhanced editing of the Playout. In particular, VISCA takes care of those functions related to brightness and color settings whilst Camera Remote Control runs the orientation and zoom of cameras.
Last but not least, Etere also provided Big Brother with Logger, an application that records and stores all the material shot by the 4 cameras operating 24 hours a day. Logger makes the traceability of all the material possible allowing the BB operators to tag and set all recordings as different sequences.
As its name suggests, Logger is a software that logs all video contents recorded together with its own Etere browser (namely Etere Browsing) and proceeds with their storage. Once stored, all these video assets can be subject of all BB operators’ queries and are therefore sorted according to their own criteria.
Etere Logger is able to guarantee the most efficient retrieval of video assets: it can deal with an unlimeted number of EDL and several different keywords and, furthermore, by using its friendly interfaces, Etere Logger makes any task simple and fast to complete.
A consistent system is always the best solution and Etere offers this solution.
About Etere
Etere is an international leader in the media market. Etere develops and distributes a wide range of high technology software for broadcasting and media businesses. With more than 19 years of experience, Etere provides powerful, flexible, cost-effective, high-performance, end-to-end media solutions.
Etere is the only company worldwide that can offer you a solution to all your media needs in one single package. It is a 100% software solution that works on standard IT hardware. A common framework where there is real-time sharing of all the data among several applications to manage all media business requirements: automation, recording, archiving, scheduling, traffic, air-time sales, indexing and media asset management. Its easy-to-use workflow is able to coordinate all these areas with an unbeatable performance.
Etere guarantees the best after-sales support service on the market with engineers ready to give professional assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The service includes voice, email, Vpn and VoiP with unlimited calls and connection time, and a pro-active system to help diagnose problems before they appear. Etere: reliable software for a consistent system.