Coming Soon Television turns to Etere

16 марта 2000

ANICAFLASH chooses Etere for its new fully-digital satellite station,COOMING SOON.

One of the greatest values of Etere Automation is its flexibility, which allows it to adapt to every station.
That’s why ANICAFLASH chooses ETERE for its new fully-digital satellite station,COOMING SOON.
This station broadcasts movie trailers, as well as news and magazine programs, all centered around cinema.
Here, reliability - the other great value of Etere - comes into play, allowing to guarantee continuous, uninterrupted operation 24 hours a day.
The station runs a standard version of Etere, with no special and expensive personalization.
ANICAFLASH uses LAN connected workstations to create its events, editing promotional clips of the movies showing at the Italian cinemas.
The station is completely managed by Etere TV AUTOMATION software, which operates in FULL CACHING, the most suitable solution for every TV but that gives the best in a station as COOMING SOON which repeats the same schedule many times a day.
The system controls two Profile videoserver connected via fiber channel, in a main/backupconfiguration Etere Automation, with the Protect module, controls the Profile operation and the switch to backup if necessary.

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