Etere Presents: Etere WEB

08 июля 2000

ETERE, a young dynamic company, well known in the broadcasting world for always being in the forefront, could not miss the wonderful opportunity offered by the third millennium communication channel: WEB.

This is the reason why it has created ETERE WEB - the first integration between Radio and Television broadcasting automation and WEB.
ETERE WEB is perfectly integrated with ETERE Automation, it can therefore use TV's or Radio's data and take care of both the broadcasting and the publishing on WEB.
All data are directly taken from ETERE AUTOMATION schedule. ETERE WEB also gives the possibility to broadcast single events "on demand".
If you like you can also publish, in a full automatic way, odd or curious news about the Radio speaker or the TV host of the running programs.
We well know that Television and Radio, at the moment, cannot take full advantage of the interactivity, which is such an interesting characteristic of WEB.
This limitation can be overcome with the new function offered by ETERE WEB. You will have your usual broadcasting station and, besides, the various advantages the web offers.
And all this will be possible with an extreme simplicity as far as management is concerned,and with a minimum inversion.

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