Tapeless or Manual Tapeless
22 октября 2009Learn why Etere is the best solution on the market for tapeless management, able to provide broadcasters with all benefits that only an outstanding digital workflow can brings.
A lot of systems are sold as Tapeless but they actually are manual Tapeless. A manual Tapeless is a file based system where every file movement is manual. This is a complete nonsense because moving from tape to Tapeless means also to migrate easily content between sources and destinations, but in a manual Tapeless everything is completely managed by hand.
Be aware of those systems because it can be difficult to recognize them in the proposals; we recommend some tips to discover ‘hidden’ manual Tapeless in the proposal:
Drop folder : if a system has a drop folder it is a manual Tapeless, we suggest to avoid it.
Think about a tape based drop folder, a bin where someone puts tapes and someone other must see them and recognize them!!!!!.
If someone needs to deliver a tape, call the recipient and give it on his hands and require a receipt , without the need of using tape bins. You can move the file: this is another manual Tapeless trick, in a true Tapeless system no one can move a file physically, you simply flag metadata. As comparison, when you need to approve a payment in your administration software you flag it as correct, you do not move the supplier invoice from one folder to another, where an accounting employee needs to recognize it and process it.
Shared directory: this is another characteristic of a manual Tapeless, in this case you have a shared room in tape environment where someone can drop or take or delete tapes with no control.
Etere 19 put itself a quantum leap over Tapeless and MAM. We listed only three of the examples of a manual Tapeless, but more are hidden.
What you must ask to a real Tapeless system?
Document management
Digital signatures for each metadata change
Unlimited layers of access. Full tracking and permission on every metadata
changes. Virtualization of the storage, no one has direct
access to a storage. Virtualization of NLE
Virtualization of playback video server
Fully customizable metadata driven workflow. Workflow based file move.
Etere virtualization model allows every user to abstract himself onto the physical machines, when he receives a file he sends it to the system, or to the on-air, but he has not knowledge about the physical position of each file.
This kind of approach increases security, an important feature is that you or any virus, cannot access destroy or change anything without authorization. Once Etere Tapeless and Etere MAM are implemented, is time to moving from tape based to a fully ERP based system.
This is why Etere is pushing a MERP solution, ERP technologies with rich media extension
What you must ask to a real Tapeless system?
Document management
Digital signatures for each metadata change
Unlimited layers of access. Full tracking and permission on every metadata
changes. Virtualization of the storage, no one has direct
access to a storage. Virtualization of NLE
Virtualization of playback video server
Fully customizable metadata driven workflow. Workflow based file move. Etere virtualization model allows every user to abstract himself onto the physical machines, when he receives a file he sends it to the system, or to the on-air, but he has not knowledge about the physical position of each file. This kind of approach increases security, an important feature is that you or any virus, cannot access destroy or change anything without authorization.
Once Etere Tapeless and Etere MAM are implemented, is time to moving from tape based to a fully ERP based system.
This is why Etere is pushing a MERP solution, ERP technologies with rich media extension