Etere for Telecapri

30 ноября 2000

ETERE Automation is the preferred choice for Telecapri Group media stations (4 TV stations and 1 radio). For more details, please refer to the attachment.

Telecapri is located on the beautiful island of Capri. Part of the on air schedule is compiled at the Neapolitan office and then transferred to station in Capri for actual broadcasting.

This data transfer is possible thru the use of a CDN connection and the Distributed architecture of ETERE. The complete system is under the control of ETERE AUTOMATION, the most versatile software that resides on common pcs.

In this application ETERE AUTOMATION controls a BMC800 4 Node Seachange video server, 4 VTR for caching and recording within the videoserver, A Sigma router and 4 logo generators thru their respective GPI.

Professional Show has supplied all of the audio and video equipment. Telecapri wanted a flexible system, expandable and easy to use; ETERE has met these requirements whit its powerful software.

At Telecapri, thanks to the most innovative technologies, ETERE virtualizes all the devices connected and controlled via RS422 interfaces. The virtualization of the peripheral devices is possible because ETERE “Core technology” and “Distributed architecture”.

The main advantages offered by the new technology are: sharing of all the devices and simultaneous control of multiple devices from multiple pcs. Initially ETERE Automation software was used by only one station of the Telecapri group. The initial feedback was so favorable and operator’s friendly that 2 more TV stations were added.

By yearend the last TV station of the group and the Radio station will utilize the most powerful automation software in broadcast.

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