Nova TV Change all the System but Confirms only Etere

01 сентября 2003

Nova TV, Croatian TV station from Zagreb, has changed all the devices of its system but confirms only Etere for scheduling managing and the on-air.

The first time they used ETERE was on December 2001, and it impressed all operators with its simplicity.
They don’t have the intention to change it!

Nova Tv had a system with Etere DBF, while in the new version there is an automation based on SQL server. With Etere SQL the entire play-out system increased its speed (SQL tests have confirmed the speed increase of cca. 20:1) and data safety; besides, now they can easily manage huge archives.
The system in completely full caching and it controls a BMS SeaChange.
Full Caching Automation offers several advantages: flexibility, independence from mechanical systems, no need to prepare commercials in advance.
Furthermore the on air schedule can be changed at any time, even seconds before air time independent from the format used.
Etere Clone’s advanced technology was added to the system. With it the redundancy is complete: there are two automation controllers that broadcast two identical copies of the same play-list, frame synchronized, without any extra operations. In case the on-air operator needs to modify the play-list, both main automation and clone automation will be automatically modified.

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