MTV 2 new channels on-air with Etere

24 сентября 2003

MTV BRAND: NEW & MTV HITS: 2 new MTV channels on-air with ETERE.

After the excellent work that ETERE has been for the MTV Italy, it has been chosen for the playout and the managing scheduling of the 2 newborn channels. They are MTV Brand: New e MTV Hits; the new satellite musical channels that use Sky platform. Those channels are based on a special music format:
- MTV Hits: is the channel for the music of the moment, the hits, the big success and the most popular bands
- MTV Brand, New: is the channel dedicated at the innovative music, the emerging talents, the new trend and a sound more sophisticated. The scheduling of the new channels contains, not only the on-air of the videoclips, but also live performance (the new inclination of the 3 MTV channels), interviews, biographies and videographies of the artists. Also those projects have a lot of the innovative technologies developed from Etere. The main is the archive organization, the complete redundancy and the managing of the scheduling. The archive of the new channels is managed by Etere Media Manager it takes care about all the media asset management of MTV Italy. It index all the assets and especially move the files from on-air videoserver to archive, completely synchronized with the scheduling. Etere Media Manager uses SQL 2000 database of Microsoft, so: safety, speed, competitive price.
Etere Automation controls a videoserver which contains all the clips necessary for the daily scheduling thanks at its big capacity. There is a perfect integration with Etere Traffic: a new system that revolutionize scheduling and commercial management of TV stations. The commercials are sold not according to “time slots” but according to program blocks. It’s finally possible to sell commercials independently from time changes on schedule. The manage of the invoicing is perfectly integrated with the scheduling, commercial programming and the on-air. For the full redundancy, the system has Etere Clone: two broadcasting systems with two different and independent automation controllers. Moreover, Etere manages an innovative system for the on-line titling, more advanced that the existing system running on MTV , it allows to choose the channel branding with any post-production on the video clips, with a big cut of the costs. The maximum flexibility for creating and managing the scheduling is assured with 2 levels of the Etere scheduling: Presentation Editor (high-level editor for the construction of sophisticated schedules) and Instant Editor (it allows to modify the schedule even a few seconds before going On-air.). Thanks at the Etere’s distributed architecture the system is completely configurable, without the possibility of error: it’s Fault Tolerance/Fault Resilience. In the system there is installed also Etere Memory: the solution that keeps archived all broadcast recordings. It’s a digital video logger that records, stores and plays back Mpeg4 video files also at the same time. A media management internal process provides to delete automatically all recordings which date of recording exceeds the foreseen period, ad so it will free up the space for future recordings. Etere Memory allows recording and viewing (low resolution clips), at the same time. Moreover, you can view the clip while you are recording it. The operator after selection of date, time and length, files can be viewed, with common tools such as Windows Media Player, and the clip interest can be catalogued/archived. If necessary, files can be send via e-mail, copied on a cd-rom/DVD or, if PC has a video output, also on beta.

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