GBI adopts ETERE MAM to manage their content

22 января 2014

ETERE enterprise MAM and MERP approach has been chosen for GBI multiformat assets management including LTO6 Library, NLE integration and digital delivery.

ETERE, a global supplier of MERP solutions for broadcasters and media companies, today announced the implementation of a complete media asset management (MAM) system for GBI in Indonesia.

GBI (Gereja Bethel Indonesia) is a protestant church founded in 1985 with over 1'320 congregations, 380'000 members, and 700'000 adherents. GBI delivers and spreads God's message through its Healing Movement Ministry, a multimedia service that includes an internet TV channel which mainly offers conferences and healing sessions taken by pastor Niko Njotorahardjo at Sentul International Convention Center (SICC), Jakarta.

GBI will be provided with ETERE MAM at the heart of its digital workflow, the streamlined management of its huge media archive includes advanced search and lowres browsing capabilities for a rich metadata indexing and cataloguing. ETERE MAM allows checking content availability status to request restoring media into near-line storage when required.

Controlled by an ETERE HSM system the storage includes an LTO tape library, GBI is using a combination of disk storage and LTO-6 tape to store its entire media catalogue. The automated storage management provided by ETERE Workflow ensures rapid access to content and reliable archive capabilities to move material with low access priority to long-term storage.

GBI's workflow will be significantly improved with EtereWeb, a web service interface that enables authorized users to remotely access GBI's archive to search, browse, request to download and upload media content. All NLE systems across the facility will be seamlessly integrated to download raw material from archive and upload edited material once it's ready for use.

Mr. Fabio Gattari, Etere's president, commented on this project: "The knowledge, experience and technology of our company has given GBI the certainty that choosing ETERE was the best decision to get a cost-efficient, flexible and scalable solution able to address every part of its workflow and prepare the facility to meet future business needs without major modifications."

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