Etere announces support for DNxHD codec
25 декабря 2013The flexibility of Etere high-definition tapeless workflows has been enhanced with the addition of Avid DNxHD.
ETERE announced today that its wide range of format support has been increased with Avid DNxHD, the first codec to meet SMPTE VC-3 standards thanks to a high quality and low bitrate. Etere's major media solutions such as MTX and MAM are now able to fully support one of the most widely used HD production standards.
With this move Etere has further improved its tapeless HD workflows to facilitate broadcasters and content creators an efficient ingest, transcoding, transfer, playout and archive of HD media over IT infrastructures without unnecessary and lossy transcoding operations.
The full and native support of Avid DNxHD has given Etere MTX the ability to ingest, store and playout premium-quality video without requiring any transcoding between its servers and Avid's post-production systems, a key factor that ensures media quality preservation throughout transfers.
A remarkable feature is the ability of Etere MAM to direct access DNxHD encoded media in live and near-live environments, such as sports or news production, where Avid systems are commonly used for post-production. Avid DNxHD technology can be integrated in Etere workflows to ensure an automated exchange of media.
Avid’s DNxHD format is a HD production standard of the broadcast industry, specially engineered to optimize non-linear editing, complex multi-generation compositing, color correction and effects, it provides the image quality of uncompressed HD material at SD data rates.
Etere products offer the industry’s largest collection of supported formats to ensure the ingest, transcode, catalogue, edit, compose, playout and archive of a broad number of media formats. Avid DNxHD joins a long list that includes MPEG-2, DV 25, HDV, DVCPRO, DVCPRO 50, DVCPRO HD, IMX30/40/50, XDCAM EX, XDCAM HD, AVC Intra, AVCHD, H264, VMW, ProRes and many others. ###
Etere is the leading company since 23 years ago in the project and development of the integrated end-to-end workflow solution for media stations. Etere has adapted as first in the world the revolutionary concept of MERP (Media Enterprise Resources Planning), that integrates internal and external management information across the entire organization of the TV stations such as Media Asset Management, Automation, Archiving, Scheduling, Air sales, BMS/Long term Planning, News Automation, Resources Planning and OTT Integration. Many TV stations in the worldwide has chosen Etere system to improve their broadcasting productivity. Etere a consistent system!